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Strahlende Frau

infusion therapy.

During infusion therapy, also known as drip spa, combinations of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients are injected directly into the bloodstream via an intravenous (IV) line.

Adapted to the patient's needs, all cell depots can be replenished. Deficiencies are compensated for, the immune system is stimulated and overall health is improved. The drips provide new energy and vitality and improve the quality of skin and hair. Drips act as an anti-ageing therapy from within.

During the treatment you can relax and at the same time supply your body with all the important nutrients. A Drip Spa treatment lasts approx. 30-60 minutes and can also be carried out in parallel with other aesthetic treatments.

Orangen aufgeschnitten

Hollywood style

Discover the secret of cell regeneration with spermidine.
Spermidine is a biogenic polyamine that is closely linked to cell growth and is found in all body cells. As the concentration of the body's own spermidine decreases with increasing age, the infusion of spermidine is a particularly effective anti-ageing agent.
Our spermidine infusion promotes the renewal of aged cells, increases mitochondrial activity, strengthens the immune system, has a cardio-protective effect, protects against liver and kidney damage, reduces abdominal fat that causes illness, alleviates menopausal symptoms, helps prevent dementia and inhibits age-related hair loss. Your health is strengthened from the inside out.

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daily lethargy.

Recharge your batteries and strengthen your body. The Superpower-Drip promotes the basic supply of the body. Its ideal composition of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and antioxidants boosts the metabolism, strengthens the immune system and compensates for deficiencies. Restores energy and well-being.

Ampullen neben Orangen

tired skin.

The Beautybooster-Drip is an anti-ageing infusion with spermidine and vitamin C. This combination of natural active ingredients makes your skin glow and reduces the signs of ageing. The Beautybooster-Drip stimulates collagen production, promotes youthful skin and protects against harmful free radicals.

Schöne Frau mit straffer Haut


The Detox-Drip contains a very special composition of antioxidants and immune modulators. Gluthatione and acetylcysteine effectively remove toxins from the body, reduce oxidative stress and have a revitalizing effect.

Detox Früchte


Vitamin C

The high-dose vitamin C infusion strengthens and protects the immune system. Thanks to its strong antioxidant effect, oxidative stress is combated directly in the cells. Our vitamin C infusion strengthens the body's defenses, has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood circulation in the brain and provides new energy. This energy is particularly needed for acute infections, but also in the recovery phase after illness, in states of exhaustion, by athletes and when preparing for exams.

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find your
inner balance

This special infusion is a powerful blend for resilience, mental health, stress reduction and against depressive moods. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system and stimulates both the metabolism in the mitochondria and the detoxification of the liver. It promotes inner peace and gives your mood a vitalizing boost at the same time. Indicated for chronic fatigue, burnout syndrome, long-term stress, poor performance, mood swings, chronic pain and susceptibility to infection.




Revitalization means understanding your body's own biology and improving your well-being and health in a targeted manner using various means. The aim is to optimize physical and mental performance and prevent illness.

Vitamin C Tabletten neben Zitronen

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Frau mit Grünen Augen hinter einem Blatt
Looks like nature
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